• Call Mike: 203-521-4643
  • Mail to: michael.tetreau@vistagechair.com
  • LinkedIn: Michael Tetreau

Who you surround yourself
with matters.

Successful business leaders are intentional about how they spend their time and who they spend it with. As a Vistage Chair, I create meaningful and impactful relationships within a group of trusted leaders who have each other’s back.

We troubleshoot, strategize and work together to tackle each other’s pressing issues, challenges, and opportunities.

Imagine having your own trusted Board of Advisors

In my CEO Peer Group you’ll find leaders who are humble, driven, and hungry. They don’t think they have it all figured out. They are eager to surround themselves with other leaders to gain from the collective experiences and perspectives they wouldn’t have alone. Everyone is trying to break through to achieve something they haven’t before for their organization and for themselves. They show up for one another, listen, learn, push, support….they have fun and get BIG things done.  

We meet as a group once per month and dedicate our time to working ON the business. This is where the magic happens! We intentionally spend time talking about what matters most, getting to the heart of what is in the way, and sharing experiences and observations that help each Member drive forward.  

The power of their own local peer group is magnified by having access to 27,000 business leaders within the Vistage network groups. Everyday our Members are leveraging the power of peers across the globe.

What will YOU get out of a Vistage Peer Group?

Bottom line – GROWTH. Growth in revenue. Growth in bottom line. Growth as a leader. Growth as a person. There is no question to the Return on Investment our Members receive by investing in themselves and their organizations in this way.  

Our Members have told us WHY they continue year after year to participate in our Peer Groups.
  • Making better decisions (gaining perspective and space to work on the business rather than in the business) 
  • ​Accountability (becoming more accountable and better able to hold others accountable)
  • ​Growing (personally and professionally)
  • ​​Isolation relief (from being “lonely at the top” / imposter syndrome)
  • ​Change management support (internally and externally to the business)

WHAT kinds of issues & opportunities are discussed?

We talk about what is getting in your way, what is challenging you. We talk about what matters most. We talk about the hard stuff. 

Examples of Issues we have discussed recently:
  • Talent – Finding and Keeping the right people
  • ​Scaling for Growth – infrastructure, investing in the right roles, systems & capital
  • ​Exit strategies that are intentional – having a plan that creates the life they ultimately want
  • ​Raising capital & funding – all of the options and paths (partners, private equity, fundraising, etc….)
  • ​People issues
  • ​Family
  • ​​Health
  • ​Relationships

We get real. We get vulnerable. And we move mountains.


Relationships Matter

As an engineer at heart, I am naturally curious about how things work. That applies to organizations and teams as well as how things fit together and what drives them forward. I strive for operational excellence and I’m motivated by continuous improvement. Helping companies grow and be sustainable helps the economy which benefits everyone.

For more than 8 years, I served as First Selectman (Mayor) of Fairfield, Connecticut, leading teams that were highly successful in overcoming diverse challenges related to finance, natural disasters, cost containment, and capital projects. Prior to that, I held executive positions where I re-invigorated the sales force, inspired teams to exceptional growth, and changed the paradigm for program implementation. 

Making a difference is a priority. I'm passionate about building relationships, leadership, teams, strategy, and purpose.

Member Spotlights


Your AI Expert Ross Hartmann
Founder | Kiingo AI

Ross is a top speaker to Vistage International & a recognized expert on AI for businesses. Based out of Irvine, California, Kiingo AI helps businesses thrive in an increasingly technological world

How It Works

  • Fill out the short questionnaire & submit
  • ​​I will reach out via email to schedule your Zoom session
  • ​​​You will get personalized input on how AI can address your specific business issues
  • ​​​​After your Zoom session, you will receive a customized AI strategy sheet tailored to your business

Curious what AI means in business today? Watch our recent webinar:


  • Peer Advisory Board Meetings
  • Private Executive Coaching
  • ​World-Class Speakers
  • ​Research & Insights Center
  • 12 highly productive full-day meetings/year
  • ​12 one-to-one sessions/year
  • ​Online Community: 26k+ members
  • ​Peer Group: 12 to 16 members
  •  Call Mike: 203-521-4643
  • Email directly: michael.tetreau@vistagechair.com
  • LinkedIn: Michael Tetreau
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